It's a 'mixed-use' position, with the woman lying on her side, knees bent and the man lying atop her in the traditional missionary position. The following are some of the sex positions which may be more accommodating to a bent penis.ġ) Sideways Missionary: This sex position often works when a man's penis curves to the side (either left or right). When the bend is potentially problematic, it may mean that adjustments need to be made to find the best sex positions. So curvature itself is not a problem an issue arises only when the curvature presents to a degree that can potentially impede the penis' proper placement during sexual activities. True, there are some men who possess a member who is totally straight when erect however, it also is quite common for there to be some leaning to the left or right, or up or down. It's important to realize that some curvature of the penis is normal. How Bent Positions Helps In Better Pleasure? While practicing proper penis care is always advised to help with many common matters, in this instance an exploration of appropriate sex positions may prove especially helpful. This can be especially true when it comes to how a bent penis may potentially alter the mechanics involved in intercourse. The functionality of the penis is a big deal to most guys, which is one reason why possessing a bent penis can be a source of legitimate concern for many men.